Cheese Pancake Syrniky with Raisin, 1kg.
Cheese Pancake Syrniky with Apricot Filing,Ukraine, vac/pac. 1kg.
Information on syrniky on English-language websites is fairly slim, but if you look for ‘cheese fritters’, you’re more likely to find something. English speakers tend to refer to syrniky as cottage cheese pancakes where this kind of cheese is widely available.
The beauty of syrniki can be captured by saying this: syrniki are usually deep fried in oil to make them crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, they are “medallions” of a warm and creamy consistency that melt in your mouth and are so yummy that you won’t be able to resist having another. Usually topped with sour cream, condensed milk or jam, these Russian cheese pancakes can be served for both breakfast and dessert.