MATJES HERRING FILLET ORIGINAL, Santa Bremor, 250g./ 500g.
0.25 kg
1.Herring fillet "Matias" , 8pcs/cs, 250g.
2. Herring Fillet"Matias", 8pcs/cs, 500g.
Selected herring fillets in golden vegetable oil with spices, cut into neat pieces, salted according to a special recipe. It has a soft texture and rich traditional taste. Herring meat contains a large amount of protein and amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Interestingly, the iodine content in this fish is higher than in beef, so it is recommended to include it in the diet. Recommended to be served as a stand-alone snack, garnished with rings of fresh onions, and also used in salads and other dishes